Producing publications
The British Pain Society aims to produce contemporary guidance, supported by available evidence, on clinical and other pain matters.
Topic proposals for British Pain Society publications usually originate from a member of Council or a SIG chairman. There is no limit to the number of publications the Society produces each year, but part of the Communications Committee consideration process will include determining when the working party can begin work.
If the lead/Working Party Chair is not a member of Council, a Council liaison will be appointed to ensure that the publication progresses according to the timescale. The lead should not formally invite collaboration from any organisation prior to obtaining approval from Council. The process should include a wide consultation process and for the production of guideline publications, must conform to the Society's publication process manual.
All new publication proposals that require BPS funding, must complete a British Pain Society publication proposal form and submit it to the Chair of the Communications Committee, Dr Arun Bhaskar, by post to The British Pain Society, Third Floor, Churchill House, 35 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4SG or by email to [email protected]. All forms will be reviewed by the Communications Committee who will then put forward a recommendation to the Council. Publication proposals accepted will be included in the following years budget and work on the publication is not to commence until the budget year it applies to.
Publication proposals that have their own funding will continue to be accepted throughout the year and reviewed at each Communications Committee (CC) meeting, and recommendations taken to the next available Council meeting following the CC.
Publications Process Manual
To download a copy of the British Pain Society's Publication Process Manual please click here. All new publications or revisions of current publications should follow the guidelines and processes set out within the manual to ensure standardised quality and consistent formatting for British Pain Society publications.
Reproduction request
Should you wish to reuse, reproduce, digitalise or translate excerpts, chapters and images from books and titles published by the British Pain Society you must seek permission prior to doing so. Please complete and return the Permission to Reproduce Request Form to: The British Pain Society, Third Floor, Churchill House, 35 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4SG or by email to [email protected]. The request will be assessed by the Communications Committee. Please do not proceed until you have received a formal reply from the British Pain Society whether your request has been accepted or declined.
Web links
To request that we include a link to your organisation on our website, please complete and return a copy of the Web Links Permission Request Form to: The British Pain Society, Third Floor, Churchill House, 35 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4SG or by email to [email protected]. The request will be assessed by the Communications Committee.