Special Interest Groups
The British Pain Society has developed a mechanism (similar to that of the International Association for the Study of Pain) by which members of the Society who have a specific interest are given a forum to discuss their interest in more depth. The Society actively encourages and supports the development of such Special Interest Groups, as they are an important element of our multidisciplinary Society.
Each Special Interest Group is allocated a British Pain Society Council Liaison Officer who acts as a linkman between the SIG and Council.
The SIG Chairman meet with the Officers and Council Liaison Officers of the British Pain Society on an annual basis, usually during the Annual Scientific Meeting.
There are currently twelve Society Special Interest Groups:
- Acute Pain
- Headache
- Interventional Pain Medicine
- Medicolegal
- Neuropathic Pain
- Pain Education
- Pain in Children
- Pain in Developing Countries
- Pain in Older People
- Pain Management Programmes
- Philosophy & Ethics
- Primary & Community Care
If you are a Member of the Society and would like to sign up to join a Special Interest Group you can do this by logging into the Members area.