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"Psychological First Aid: A 'Booster' for our Resilience" Workshop

16th to 17th Feb 2022

Wednesday 16th February 2022, 7-8pm (Zoom)

The pandemic has brought out the best in so many people... our sense of service has never been tested more strongly and every person has risen to the challenge of looking after people under their care, often at cost to themselves. Our self-discipline and commitment to hold steady under fire ... these sterling qualities, and more, which pre-date Covid, have been demonstrated over the past two years, time and again. 
Not surprisingly, along the way, we may also have hit points of tiredness and fatigue, maybe having had covid ourselves or our loved ones might have battled illness ... Worse still, we might have lost people either because of covid or other reasons ... hardly an easy journey.
To help us top up our resources, the British Pain Society will host a webinar on Psychological First Aid, a model advocated by WHO which has been used internationally in the aftermath of crisis events. During the pandemic, it has been advocated by a variety of organisations in UK and this particular session will create a safe exploratory space to provide a ‘booster’ for our own emotional needs as professionals working in the field of chronic pain.
Meherzin Das is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Lead for the Dorset Pain Management Service and Lead for Staff Wellbeing and Psychology within the Dorset Integrated Care System.


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