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Pain News

The British Pain Society Newsletter Pain News is published quarterly and is edited by Dr Rajesh Munglani. Members of the Society will receive a free copy and are encouraged to contribute to the content.

Print: ISSN 2050-4497 ; Online: ISSN 2050-4500


  1. Last Issue
  2. Back Copies
  3. Contributing to Pain News
  4. Advertising in Pain News
  5. Inserts in Pain News

Last Issue

Pain News is the Society's Membership Newsletter. Therefore as one our Member benefits, Members will have access to the content of Pain News one issue in advance of it being available here. 

June 2024


March 2024

December 2023



September 2023


June 2023 


March 2023

June 2022



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Back Copies

Back copies of Pain News can be accessed here.


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Contributing to Pain News

The British Pain Society encourages members to actively participate in Pain News by submitting letters, short clinical reports and news of interest to members, including notice of meetings.

Copy for Pain News should be sent to the Editor, Dr Rajesh Munglani, British Pain Society Newsletter Editor, Churchill House, 35 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4SG
or by email to the Secretariat.

Deadlines for Copy

Edition Copy Deadline
March First week of January 
June By end of March
September By end of June
December By end of September


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Advertising in Pain News

As a member of the Society, you may place an advert in Pain News for commercial or charitable purposes.

Booking advertisements
To book an advertisement in the Newsletter please contact:

Neil Chesher
Commercial Sales Account Manager – Advertising, Reprints, Supplements

SAGE Publications Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7324 8601
Email: [email protected]

For definitive copy deadlines, please contact Neil Chesher, however please see below dates as a rough guide.

Newsletter Edition

Copy Deadline Date

Publication Despatch Date


1st week of January

1st week of March


1st week of April

1st week of June 


1st week of June 

1st week of September


1st week of September

1st week of December

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Inserts in Pain News

Inserts in the British Pain Society’s Quarterly Newsletter
Inserts within the Newsletter can offer you the opportunity to target over 1,200 members specialising in the field of pain.

Please contact Neil Chesher on Tel: +44 (0) 20 7324 8601 for further details.

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